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Polymer Dichroic Sheet Polarizers

We offer various types of polymer dichroic sheet polarizers operating from 330nm in the UV up to 1800nm in the IR. Furthermore, we also have sheet based wire grid polarizers working in the range 400-1100nm.

The dichroic and wire grid polarizers from Artifex Engineering are manufactured using high quality polymers covering various wavelength ranges. We offer these polarizers as naked sheets with or without adhesive or as a sandwich construction laminated between extremely flat glass windows to achieve sharp imaging results. The high extinction ratio ensures high contrast; the constant high transmission level gives good colour rendition.

The native material is manufactured in large sheets. We will provide any shape or size via laser cutting from the sheets with a dimensional tolerance of ±0.25mm. Polarizers with adhesive withstand up to 60°C, without adhesive up to 80°C.

Applications include biotechnology and medicine, machine vision, display and consumer products. Whatever your application: the high polarization and low distortion of these optics is impressive.

TypeWavelength Range¹ [nm]Thickness [µm]Adhesive [yes/no]Comments
IR1750700-1750400noReal IR! High optical quality
NIR950550-950400no / (yes)Designed for sensors and LEDs
WG1100400-110080no / (yes)Wire grid: non-absorbing polarizing beamsplitter
VIS950420-1600500noExtremely broadband
VIS700400-750100no / yesHigh transmission, high contrast

1) Contrast >500 or 10% of maximum and Tp>50

2) Find graphical images of the contrast and transmission of the P-polarization under “Graphs”

Contrast Ratio
Contrast Ratio

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