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Our prism selection at a glance

Artifex Engineering offers a wide range of custom prisms to suit your requirements. Prisms are used for reflection, deviation and image manipulation. We are able to produce almost any prism design. The following are standard designs, each of which serves a different purpose.

In addition to our custom components, we offer a selection of standard prisms for prototyping and experimenting. Please see “Download” tab for a list of available products.

Simplest and most cost effective prism for 90° beam deviation. Also for 180° deviation with lateral displacement. At 180° reflection, the image is reversed. The accuracy of the 90° deviation angle depends on the orientation of the prism – the beam can be directed in both planes. At 180° reflection, the beam can only be directed in the plane perpendicular to the lateral deviation. The 180° angle is determined by the precision of the prism.

90 grad prisma Funktionsweise Zeichnung
90° Prisms

A Dove prism does not change the direction of propagation of an incident light beam, but the image is rotated by 180°.

Dove Prisma Funktionsweise Zeichnung
Dove Prisms

Designed for a beam deviation of 90°. The image has the opposite orientation to the right angled prism. The 90° deviation angle is determined by the precision of the prism – the beam can not be directed by the orientation of the prism into the 90° direction.

Pentaprisma Funktionsweise Zeichnung
Pentaprismen aufrecht und seitlich

Deflects a beam by 180°, regardless of the orientation of the optic. A beam that is more narrow than the entrance pupil and not centered on the optic is shifted laterally. The image is inverted and mirrored. Retroreflectors can be solid or hollow.

Retroreflektor Funktionsweise Zeichnung
Drei Retroreflektoren / Corner Cube Prismen von sehr klein bis groß

Same 90° beam deviation function as the right angle prism, except that the image is mirrored.

Dachkantprisma Funktionsweise Zeichnung
Dachkantprisma ohne Dach

A variation of the pentaprism with two output beams. The second beam is neither deflected nor moved laterally. The power of the input beam is split between the two output beams.

Strahlteilerpentaprisma Funktionsweise Zeichnung
Zwei Strahlteiler Pentaprismen schwarz ablackiert
Essentially a window with non-parallel optical surfaces. The angle between the surfaces determines the angular deviation. Used for beam direction. A beam that enters with normal incidence can be directed by turning the prism over the lateral surface of a cone.
Keilprisma Funktionsweise Zeichnung
Wedge Prism round and rectengular

Range of dimensions: 1mm – 300mm

Highest available surface figure: λ/10 (DIN: 3/0.2)

Highest available surface quality: 20-10 S/D (DIN: 5/2×0.1)

Highest available tolerance of beam deviation: 3″ (arcsec)

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Dr. Steven Wright


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